March 27, 2024

Greetings Fellow Tractor Club Members,

Our spring 2024 auction is history.  It was a large auction with 1013 lots consigned.  Many members helped in a number of ways.  For instance, on auction day, we had at least 25 members helping in any way they could.  I want recognize several people who helped in a special way.  Joyce Richardson came most days and kept the “bible” current and much neater than I was doing.  On auction day, Joyce Richardson, Peggy Stirwalt, and Stacy Cox did a fantastic job of checking out the people as the hauled out their new purchases.  And Kevin Suson must be recognized for the outstanding job he did as “loadmaster”.  He controlled the flow of vehicles up to the load out area in an orderly fashion even though some of our customers didn’t want to be orderly.  And I want to thank those who stayed at night and provided security as required by the County.  And lastly, thanks to everyone who pitched in what every way they could and we “got er dune”!  Thank you as you made my job much easier.    

Our next meeting is scheduled for April 4, 2024, at “Beans & Taters” located on Main St, Paradise, TX at 7 pm.  We will discuss the auction and ways to make the next one better.  I also want to discuss upcoming projects, events, and things we can do in the future. 

I hope to see you at Beans & Taters on April 4. 

Patrick D. Vaught